What is Plant Parenting?

What is Plant Parenting?

Plant parenting is a phrase invented by the millennial generation, yet it isn't entirely new. It simply means taking care of houseplants. So, yes, you are most likely a plant parent who is unaware of it. It's simple to become a good plant parent if you understand and follow some basic recommendations for keeping your plants healthy. Here are 10 essential things to remember.

  1.     Picking the ideal plant

All plants require varying levels of care, so pick the one that best fits your lifestyle. After you've made your pick, double-check the weather and your living area to ensure that the plant has all it needs to live a long life. Snake Plant (which thrives indoors and functions as a natural air cleaner), Pothos (which grows fast and requires little maintenance), and succulents are among the plants highly recommended by us here at PLANT JOYOUS (They need to be watered every few weeks, low maintenance and add beauty of any room).

  1.     Water correctly

All living things require water, yet plant parents frequently overwater or fail to water at all. In any instance, plants will show signs of distress (interestingly, yellow leaves can signify if a plant is too dry or too wet). That's why it's critical to understand how much water each of your plant's needs. Succulents and cacti often only require a light drink once or twice a month, but thirstier species like peace lily and ferns may require a drink at least once a week. For all plants, proper drainage is essential. Because certain plants are sensitive to chlorinated water, use rain or distilled water instead.

  1.     Understand lighting

Plants can't generate chlorophyll, which is required for photosynthesis if they don't get enough light. Low-light plants need only 2 to 4 hours of indirect sunlight every day to thrive. Plants that require a lot of light require 6 to 8 hours of direct sunshine every day. Fluorescent "grow light" bulbs can be used in a pinch, but they must be suspended 18 to 24 inches above the plants.

  1.     Inspect weekly

Plant parents should check on their leafy children at least once a week, especially during the winter. Pests including scale, mealybug, spider mite, and aphids can thrive in dry environments. If problems are discovered, the first and the best course of action is to apply an insecticidal soap spray, which may be purchased at your local garden shop or a DIY project that you can find on youTube.

  1.     Choose quality soil

It is recommended using a high-quality, packaged potting mix for indoor plants because most home plants aren't picky about soil type. Some species, mainly cacti, and succulents, demand a faster draining media, so search for mixes with extra sand explicitly added for them. Orchids are something else since they require quick drainage, but they prefer to grow on bark chips without soil because they naturally grow in the treetops.

  1.     Increase humidity

Succulents and cacti thrive in dry air, while many other plants prefer a humid habitat that closely resembles their rainforest origins. Palms, dracaenas, spider plants, pothos, Madagascar dragon trees, ferns, nerve plants, ivies, and focus are just a handful of the numerous species that thrive in humid environments. It's a good idea to have a humidifier in your house, especially during the winter months, to keep them happy. People commonly spray their plants daily, which is lovely, but it reprieves from dry air.

  1.     Prune if needed

Although not all house plants require pruning, if yours is rapidly outgrowing its area, prune it to a more compact shape. Most indoor plants don't mind being trimmed, and it's far easier to do it while the plant is young rather than when it's pressing up against your ceiling. Pruning regularly will also foster new, compact growth. Also, if your plant is growing tall and slender, it isn't getting enough light and is reaching to get it.

  1.     Report as they grow

Being a responsible plant parent necessitates repotting. Move your plant to larger quarters as soon as you detect roots emerging out of the drainage holes or looping around the top of the soil. You can't expect a little plant to fill in a large container on its own. As your plant grows, it's much preferable to move it to larger containers.

Here at Plant Joyous, we wish you a successful plant parent experience and fill with tons of love. Be sure to check out our store to see our curated pots and accessories to add to your home. Enjoy indoor gardening!

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